Psicología ES
Os dejo información sobre mi último artículo publicado en "Psychology, crime, and law", revista oficial de la European Association of Psychology and Law.
- Loinaz, I. (2013). Typologies, risk and recidivism in partner-violent men with the B-SAFER: a pilot study. Psychology, Crime and Law. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2013.770854
ABSTRACT:The research describes the criminal profile of 100 imprisoned partner-violent men (PVM) in Spain, and the follow-up for an average of 15 months of 40 released cases. The ability of the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER) to classify offenders according to typologies and to predict recidivism is analyzed. The results show that PVM have low level of specialization (only 45% limit their criminal activity to intimate partner violence (IPV)) and high level of recidivism (47% previously have been in prison, and 41% have prior arrest for IPV). The B-SAFER shows a high capacity to classify according to batterers typologies (accuracy of 79% with a score ≥13) in two groups: non-pathological and antisocial/pathological offenders. After prison release, 17.5% relapsed (15% in IPV), and 66% have done so within the first year. The B-SAFER had a predictive accuracy of 70% (sensitivity 100%). From antisocial/pathological group, 21% have recidivate compared to 12.5% in non-pathological aggressors, with an over-representation of antisocial/pathological subtype among recidivists (71%). The best predictive variables are the justification of violence, age at first imprisonment, and treatment. There is a 9% of recidivism among treated offenders compared to 50% in the untreated group.
Principios Generales De Criminología Del Desarrollo Y Las Carreras Criminales
Recientemente se ha publicado un interesante libro para los interesados en la criminología y en el desarrollo de la conducta delictiva. Se titula "Principios generales de Criminología del desarrollo y las carreras criminales" y su autora es Laura...
International Congress On Criminal Investigation, Behavioral Sciences And The Law. Barcelona, Octubre 2013
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Revista EspaÑola De PsicologÍa Forense Ahora En Isi Web Of Knowledge
La revista sobre psicologia forense European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, editada en España por la Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense (SEPJF) con sede en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, acaba...
Facetas De Personalidad Del Mcmi-iii En Agresores De Pareja
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Los Videojuegos Y El Aprendizaje
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Psicología ES